Enviromental Education
SANDY BEACHES AND DUNES Beach organisms, beach zones, coastal birds, pollution, the importance of dunes and their vegetation and beach clean-ups. |
ROCKY SHORES Rocky shore organisms, adaptations to survive in a rocky shore environment, coastal birds and clean-ups. |
ESTUARIES Life in an estuary, estuarine vegetation, the importance of estuaries, estuarine birds. |
FLORALAND NURSERY Nursery management and operations as well as exotic and indigenous plants. |
FOREST Life in a forest, food webs and food chains. |
WATER TESTING Basic water testing experiments in the Baakens River looking at temperature, turbidity, oxygen content as well as stream and pond life. |
KRAGGA KAMMA GAME PARK Identification of various animals, animal adaptations and a game-drive through the park. Two options available. |
TALKS Any topic at a venue of your choice. |